
Services and solutions offered by LIU ENERGY PTY LIMITED in its project development and investment model

Opportunity identification and screening
Project definition 
User requirements (non-technical)
Multi-disciplinary interface management
Commercial structuring
Partner selection
Project development agreements
Risk reviews & mitigation strategies
Project schedules
Land rights
Regulatory compliance

Procurement strategy 
Negotiation strategies and tactics
Contract negotiation and support models
Fuel and supplier evaluations
Energy delivery infrastructure

Master planning
Economic modelling and analysis
Commercial and contractual framing
Tariff and price structuring 
Market studies
Scenario analysis
Supply and demand balances
Policy and regulatory assessment
Competitive intelligence
Geographic market segmentation

Development of communication strategies
Formulation of position papers in response to draft legislation 
Engagement with authorities and regulators

The future is renewable energy

The planet has undergone a significant energy-related transformation. Compared to other sources, there will be a considerable rise in electricity. Utilities have a challenging strategic environment due to the climate change agenda, cost challenges, technical advancements, regulatory changes, and consumer choice.